Chenglong Li's Homepage (李成龙)

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Ph.D. Student
DepIntelligence Software Lab
School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA)
635, Block D, New Main Building,
No.37 XueYuan Road
Haidian District, Beijing, China
Tel: 010-82338767
E-mail: li_chenglong [@] buaa [DOT] edu [DOT] cn

Last updated: July 20, 2022.

About me

I'm currently a PhD student under the supervision of Prof. Zheng Zheng in School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University. I received the bachelor degree in electrical engineering from Beihang University in 2014. After that, I joined the DEPINTELLIGENCE SOFTWARE LAB.

If you have any ideas, please contact me.

My research interests include:


Note: * for corresponding author.

Conferences and Journals

  1. A Phase-Type Expansion Approach for The Performability of Composite Web Services
    Zheng Zheng, Chenglong Li, Yanjie Liu, Zhiyu Xi*
    IEEE Transactions on Reliability. (TR, JCR-Q1, IF:4.424).

  2. Robustness of Spectrum-based Fault Localisation in Environments with Labelling Perturbations
    Yanhong Xu, Beibei Yin, Zheng Zheng*, Xiaoyi Zhang, Chenglong Li, Shunkun Yang
    Journal of System and Software. (JSS, CCF-B, IF:2.829).

  3. A Theoretical Analysis on the Impacts of Misestimated Test Cases
    Yanhong Xu, Beibei Yin*, Xiaohui Wan, Chenglong Li, Zheng Zheng
    2018 5th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications. (DSA 2018, EI index).

  4. A Model-based Test Cases Generation Method for Spacecraft Software
    Ye Tian, Beibei Yin*, Chenglong Li
    2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications. (DSA 2021, EI index).


Professional Services

Teaching Assistant

Research Projects
